ACT Team

The Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Program, funded by New York State and Medicaid, provides integrated treatment, rehabilitation, case management and support services to individuals with serious mental illness whose needs have not been well met by traditional mental health services. The multi-disciplinary ACT Team provides integrated services directly to the individual in the community. The team assists recipients in making progress toward goals and adjusts services over time to meet the individual’s needs.

Our programs in Staten Island and Harrison receive referrals through the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health’s “Single Point of Access” (SPOA) offices. SPOA referrals are high priority candidates for an intensive level of service and may include individuals under court order for Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT).


For information about the Westchester Single Point of Access (SPOA) process, click here.

For information about the New York City Single Point of Access (SPOA) process, click here.